
Rory Hellier

Full-Stack Software Engineer

Download My CV

About Me

Hi, I'm Rory. I'm a highly creative, passionate full-stack engineer with a penchant for blending effective and visually appealing UI & UX, whilst utilising data through innovative and novel applications. Driving forwards from a legal background has developed my leadership qualities, business acumen, and attention to detail, enabling me to reason and engage at a level beyond just coding.

I'm always excited to collaborate, design, learn and strategise about the next big thing, so if this sounds like you or you'd like to know more, don't hesitate to get in touch.


Clothes Inc.

An E-Commerce Clothes Shop For Mens and Women's Fashion, Complete with Categories, Filtering and Clothes Profiles. Built with React and Redux.

Live Link

Deep Space Defender

An aesthetically pleasing retro space shooter, created with JavaScript, the Phaser3 game library, API calls for a persistent high-score board, Jest for testing and all packaged with Webpack.

Play The Game

Fitness Based Social Media

A full-stack, fitness based social media platform, complete with groups, memberships, activities, statistics and Strava-Esque KOMs. Created with ERB, SASS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL and RSpec.

Live Link


A weather app for all your favourite places on earth. Built using JavaScript, SASS, the OpenWeather and TimeZone public APIs for location and weather information and packaged with Webpack.

Live Site

Restaurant Page

A simple to navigate, elegant and easy-to-navigate restaurant website, built entirely with JavaScript, SASS and Webpack.

Live Site

StayInTouch Social Media

A full-stack social media website with friendships, friend requests, posts, comments and likes. Built with ERB, SASS, Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, RSpec and deployed with Heroku.

Live Site

Professional Experience

Microverse Inc

Technical Support Engineer

  • Completed 100+ code reviews for Microverse students in HTML & CSS and Ruby and Ruby on Rails sections of the course;
  • Provided guidance and advice to help improve students code quality and help steer them towards better practices.

Richmond Bridge Communications

IT Engineer

  • Led testing a troubleshooting projects on Corporate clients hardware and systems, leading to a 50% decrease in hardware issues over the course of the financial year;
  • Acted as a consultant to 10+ private and corporate clients.

Globaldrum Ltd

Digital Media Intern

  • Managed content creation and audience engagement through social media channels;
  • Acted as Project Lead on a project to launch a new P2P video streaming application prototype;
  • Acted as a company representative in Jaipur, India to communicate directly with the software development team.


Microverse Inc

Oct 2019 - Present

Full-Stack Engineering Certificate

University of Manchester

Sept 2012 - July 2015

Law with Politics, BA


Microverse Inc

Dec 2019 - Present

Student Mentor


Get in Touch